Mini Split System Diagram
Mini Split units are much more efficient than window-mounted AC units, and don’t require complex expensive ductwork like most central air conditioning units many households use. Allowing you to even control the temperature in each room, helping to optimize your energy use even more! For this reason, you find Mini Split cooling and heating systems in most of the world. However it’s still catching on here in the United States, but over the past years there has been a large increase in Mini Split cooling and heating systems.
Mini Splits VS Central Air
When compared to conventional central-air equipment, mini splits use an advanced control system in each room they are installed. With intelligently-designed heat exchangers and inverter-driven compressors, helping you save 30% or more on utility costs. With mini splits you can also zone your home into multiple areas, helping you save even more money. Avoiding heating and cooling rooms that are unoccupied.

Mini Split system VS Central Air System
Out HessAire Mini Split systems can also be modified to include a WiFi module, enabling you to control your unit from anywhere in the world. Most customers enjoy this aspect, as it allows them to pre-heat or pre-cool their home before arriving. Even turning the unit off, if you forget to after leaving your home.
Feel free to watch the video below with everything you need to know about mini splits.
Installing HVAC equipment
When installing a HVAC Mini Split air conditioning system, it’s best left to a highly technical professional. This will ensure years of reliable service and warranty coverage. Why go to all the trouble of buying the best equipment, only to have an improper setup while also voiding your warranty.

Mini Split Installation
In some cases the manufacture or even retail location will have suggested contractors, to help with the installation and even in some cases it can be included. You can see in the video below, what is needed when installing mini splits, and why calling a professional installation contractor is suggested.
Full step by step installation of a Mini Split HVAC system